007 - 30 1/8" Lechwe Bull - Masterpiece


2024-09-27 06:00


1 000 ZAR

30 1/8" Lechwe Bull - Masterpiece

SELLER: Kapaailand
30 1/8" Lechwe Bull - Masterpiece
Male  1 |  Female  0 | Total  1
Name : Masterpiece
Tag  : Blue
Microchip no. : 991001000555019
Date of birth : January 2021
Age at auction : 3 years 9 months
Age measured : 3 years 7 months
Horn length : L 30 1/8" R 29 4/8"
Base : L 8 1/8"  R 8 2/8"
Tip to tip : 26"
Tips : L 8" R 7 4/8"
Rings : L 19  R 19
SCI : 76"
Scrotum circumference : 22 cm
Date measured : 2024/08/13
Sire : 30" Mr Wide
Comment : Surpassed his sire's horn length at a young age with more growth potential. He will add value to any Lechwe herd. 
Delivery included : No
Available : Immediately
Area : Maclear, EC


Auctioneer: Summit Wildlife

Contact No: 0828832503

Email: [email protected]

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