019 - Undefined (Anjelica-Jane Swart)


Opening Bid: 150 ZAR


160 ZAR
Title: Undefined


The work comprises of 3 wood canvases. 1 = 60cm X 23cm 2 = 60cm X 35cm 3 = 60cm X 23 cm The first canvas contains the figure of a man in black and white, with arms stretched back but with no definition. - This is to represent mankind. - The fact that the face is featureless is a representation of how we all had to isolate and needed to start wearing masks. Thus basically disappearing and becoming faceless individuals. It can also be symbolic of the pandemic itself which was like fighting an invisible enemy at one stage) The second canvas contains the arms of the figure and the two canvases combined are supposed to create an illusion of moving forward. The third canvas contains a circle which is made from the bark of a tree and painted silver. - The circle symbolizes the continuation of life. - The bark is to represent nature. One good thing that came from this pandemic, was how nature got a chance to "heal" (bark). The earth got a chance to recover from everything mankind has been doing to it (painted silver). Just like a tree whose bark has been removed can keep growing, so too can we learn from this pandemic and move forward. We don' know what the future holds. Maybe the pandemic will be gone in the next couple of years. Maybe it won't. All we can do is keep moving forward The use of 3 canvases spaced asymmetrical emphasizes how everything was thrown out of balance. I liked using blue for it's meaning of open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence. So even if the message comes across as being somber or deep, the blue color can lift one's spirits a little.

Artist: Anjelica-Jane Swart

Dimensions (in cm): L 117 x D 0 x H 70



Contact No: 012 003 2990

Email: [email protected]

Bidder No Bidder Time Amount
28 #28 2021-12-01 11:53:29 160
2 #2 2021-11-22 10:43:47 150
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