066 - Social Distance (Kirithi Panchoo)


Opening Bid: 150 ZAR


150 ZAR
Title: Social Distance


The one thing that we can be sure of that will stay, even if only by memory or feeling, is the impact we have on people and relationships we create during our lifetime. This is what we leave behind. Despite all that we have and accumulate in our lifetime, death ensures an end to all of this once we are gone. We create memories with others and they hold onto these after thereafter. To create relationships and make an impact on people we must interact with others around us. During the pandemic we this interaction between people is limited than before but no less important. Painted hands are considered to be one of the oldest forms of art. Hands are greatly used as a symbol in art. For this artwork, hands were used as a representation of our relationships. Hands help people to communicate with each other and help them to express their feelings. Hands are usually what we use for greetings and to express ourselves, therefore the artwork is two hands reaching out to each other almost as if for a handshake. The breaking clay represents how we will eventually decay ourselves. The colour at the tips of the fingers show our need to interact. The wires are representative of our attachments, whether this may be to other people or to worldy things. These attachments often hold us down and prevent us from reaching the spiritual potential that we could achieve. The wire framework is firmally held down on the board to symbolise this. The ripples on the board not only add to the aesthetic of the artwork but are symbolic of how our gestures and interactions all have a ripple effect on our lives and those around us.

Artist: Kirithi Panchoo

Dimensions (in cm): L 90 x D 44 x H 30



Contact No: 012 003 2990

Email: [email protected]

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