015 - "Learn to cook -class with qualified Chef"


Opening Bid: 5 ZAR


240 ZAR
  1. The successful bidder will receive a cooking lesson/class by one of our Qualified & Internationally trained chefs.
  2. The lesson/class will collectively be presented with the other successful bidders.
  3. The successful bidder will receive notification of the date and time of the lesson/class.
  4. The lesson/activity will be seen as an official event and part of normal working activity.
  5. The Lot is for a single event.


Auctioneer: Speed Plastering (Pty) Ltd

Contact No: 087 405 3999

Email: [email protected]

Bidder No Bidder Time Amount
50 #50 2022-05-18 14:26:31 240
43 #43 2022-05-18 13:56:02 215
59 #59 2022-05-18 12:30:40 205
87 #87 2022-05-18 11:01:36 180
50 #50 2022-05-18 06:48:12 155
59 #59 2022-05-17 18:59:44 130
52 #52 2022-05-16 07:37:49 120
43 #43 2022-05-16 06:43:38 110
52 #52 2022-05-13 12:09:41 105
31 #31 2022-05-13 09:54:35 95
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